RDF関連メモ on Planet masaka : 2011-02
Planet masakaから2011年2月のRDF/セマンティック・ウェブ関連メモを抽出してまとめたものです。
- Schema out of an RDF http://www.semanticoverflow.... Q:RDF文書(データ)からスキーマを抽出する方法はある?→SPARQLのCONSTRUCTを使うというアイデアなど。語彙定義が公開されていなければ、こうする手もある (original post at 10:23)
- g-box, g-snap, and g-text http://lists.w3.org/Archives... RDFグラフの議論には、データ集合的な括りで変化しうるもの;そのある時点でのスナップショット;それを直列化したもの;があり、bnodeの振る舞いも異なると@sandhawkeが整理 (original post at 02:09)
- forward vs backward chaining http://www.semanticoverflow.... Q:前向き連鎖と後ろ向き連鎖の推論はどのように使い分ければよい? データ量、推論計算時間、更新頻度などを考慮して、両者を適宜組み合わせるなど (original post at 12:39)
- Describing non-RDF information resources http://www.semanticoverflow.... Q:画像ファイルなど文書以外のIRに関するメタデータをどう提供するのがよい?RFC5988のリンクヘッダ拡張でisDescribedBy案など #lod (original post at 11:14)
- NA、SH合わせて約1500万トリプル、ARC2テーブルのsqldumpが1.5GB。SPARQLの反応はまずます (original post at 11:12)
- DBpedia Spotlight
a tool for annotating mentions of DBpedia resources in text, providing a solution for linking unstructured information sources to the Linked Open Data cloud through DBpedia. DBpedia Spotlight can be used for Named Entity Recognition, Name Resolution, amongst other information extraction tasks (original post at 23:28) - Representing a Sentence Structure Tree as RDF http://www.semanticoverflow.... 自然言語の文の構造をRDFで表現するというテーマ。誰か答えないかなと思っていたら、ひとつ論文の紹介が出た。確か以前M君がやろうとしてたっけな (original post at 23:10)
- Web Architecture: Describing and Exchanging Data
The World Wide Web is a universal information space. As a medium for human exchange, it is becoming mature, but we are just beginning to build a space where automated agents can contribute--just beginning to build the Semantic Web. The RDF Schema design and XML Schema design began independently, but we explore a common model where they fit together as interlocking pieces of the semantic web technology - by TimBL, DanC, RSwick, 1999-06-07 (original post at 21:30)
- The 'application/tei+xml' Media TypeがRFC 6129に。 http://www.rfc-editor.org/rf... テキストデジタル化を考えるとき、TEIを素通りせずにその成果を踏まえてほしいな(☞@_masaka) (original post at 10:40)
- What’s the difference between Reasoning and Inferencing? http://www.semanticoverflow.... 前者(推論)は前提から帰結を導くより一般的な用語、後者(何と訳そう?)はそのメカニズムという答えが(☞@_masaka) (original post at 20:41)
- Neologism – Easy Vocabulary Publishing
With Neologism, you can create RDF classes and properties, which are needed to publish on the Web of Data. Neologism makes creating and publishing vocabularies easy and fast. It supports the RDFS standard, and a part of OWL. Neologism is written in PHP and built on the Drupal platform (original post at 09:19)
- Dydra
Dydra is a cloud-based RDF store, a database-as-a-service. Just import your data and a SPARQL endpoint will be available for your application to use. (original post at 17:11)
- Reserved Domain Names http://tools.ietf.org/html/d... example.orgとかlocalhostなどの予約ドメイン名を、IANAに登録するようにしようというI-D。RFC 2606だけでもいいような気もするが (original post at 14:32)
- Why are URIs sometimes treated as literals in RDF? http://www.semanticoverflow.... ちょうどURIを文字列として扱うのはどんな場合?って話題が出てきた。実は見かけより根が深い話(☞@_masaka) (original post at 22:42)
- gr4php [Google Code]
GR4PHP is a PHP API (as library) that allows the consumption of GoodRelations data on an eligible SPARQL endpoint without expecting the developer to have deeper understanding of the underlying GoodRelations vocabulary or SPARQL queries. The API provides six abstract functions, which are interally translated into proper SPARQL queries for GoodRelations (original post at 10:41) - Semantic Technology Companies
This site lists companies active in the area of semantic technologies. We list semantic technology providers, data market places, and mention same companies that are users of semantic technology (original post at 09:44)