RDF関連メモ on Planet masaka : 2009-06
Planet masakaから2009年6月のRDF/セマンティック・ウェブ関連メモを抽出してまとめたものです。
- Introduction to RDFa [A List Apart]
In part one of a two-part primer on RDFa, learn how semantic features normally confined to the head of an HTML document can be used to add semantic richness to the elements of the body - by Mark Birbeck, 2009-06-23 (original post at 01:33)
- Google's #rdfa example at its structured data page was updated on June 17. Now its ns uri has tailing '#', better match with the schema doc (original post at 21:25)
- Ontology for Media Resource 1.0
a core vocabulary to describe media resources on the Web. It is defined based on a common set of properties which covers basic metadata to describe media resources. Further it defines semantics-preserving mappings between elements from existing formats - first W3C WD, 2009-06-18 (original post at 16:12) - Search leaders debate semantics [CNET]
Panelists from the four major search engines--Google, Yahoo, Bing, and Ask.com--joined Web search start-ups TrueKnowledge and Hakia at the W3C's Semantic Technology Conference to discuss the rise of semantic technology - by Tom Krazit, 2009-06-17 (original post at 01:15)
- What is the Semantic Web really all about? [James Hendler's blog on Nature Network]
there is a lot of useful technology ready to be applied today in fairly simple ways based on the earlier and now-maturing vision - by Jim Hendler, 2009-06-16 (original post at 10:52)
- NDLSHの2008年版が提供されたのを機にRDFデータを更新。併せてNDLCもskos:Conceptにしてみた (original post at 16:57)
- updated NDL Subject Heading RDF http://www.kanzaki.com/ns/ndlsh (original post at 16:55)
- BBC SPARQL end-points [DBTune blog]
recently announced on the BBC backstage blog the availability of two SPARQL end-points, one hosted by Talis and one by OpenLink... This opens up quite a lot of fascinating SPARQL queries - by Yves Raimond, 2009-06-11 (original post at 21:08) - hmm... unfortunately no result for Roger Norrington from BBC SPARQL end-points (original post at 16:46)
- Generating specs from RDFS / OWL docs [PlanB]
The idea is that you take an RDFS / OWL schema and generate some human-readable HTML from it, by taking the classes and properties and writing out their basic constituents - by Libby Miller, 2009-06-06 (original post at 11:36)